
About Chris

A native of New Hampshire, Chris followed his love of the mountains to Montana, where he now takes inspiration for his art from the beautiful natural surroundings. His current body of work involves explorations with local materials, such as digging for natural clay to mix into unique glazes. He shares studio space with longtime mentor and close friend Josh DeWeese, and together they enjoy developing and experimenting with wood firing. He previously worked with Jason Hess and Stephen Schaeffer at Northern Arizona University for his post-baccalaureate studies, gaining experience with various firing techniques and kiln styles. Working at Santa Fe Clay as a warehouse manager provided insights into the social and logistical aspects of operating as a professional artist, and he was inspired to pursue his own career in the field of ceramics. Having studied at Montana State University in Bozeman for his undergraduate degree in ceramics, he felt a deep connection with the Gallatin Valley and surrounding mountain ranges, and he returned to Bozeman where he founded North Ridge Ceramics. The abundance of local clay and the beauty of the Rocky Mountain front continues to inspire his creation.